Le 23/03/2013 07:53, A.L.E.C a écrit :

Those images should be accessible for download in HTML and text mode, no
matter if referred or unreferred (unless there is a sound technical reason
for it, which I'm not aware of).
Did you ever see a web page with images? They can be everywhere in
header, in footer, they can be set as a background, buttons, etc.. So,
these images in email are attached to the message (or are external
links, but we're not talking about this case). Now, when you convert
such a HTML content into plain text, are you sure you want to see all of
these images on the attachments list (or displayed after body)? Even
these background images or icons, etc?

Yes Sir !
I'm sure and absolutely sure that it is better to see all of these images in the attachement list than hidding them totally to the user.
(maybe you can order attachements between real attachements, inline unrefered and then inline refered)

A lot of people who write html mail with images, backgrounds, and so on, tend to use images with meaningful content and without alternative text.
This way, reading their mail in text mode, you loose information. The only way to get this information back is to :
1) Show in text mode that there were an image here
2) Let the user show the image

This way, if it thinks I'm loosing something, it can verify by viewing the attached image.

and an exemple :

"here is the image I want you use for my new website : "

If you don't show html embedded images in text mode, you have no mean to retrieve this image in text mode (and you cannot build my new website, so I will not pay you for this :-) ).

