Hey Guys,
       I've been assigned a job of integrating the roundcube mail server with the ruby on rails framework. I personally believe that it is a immensely rich interface for the web clients. The problem I'm facing that, though I have successfully edited the files main.Php and the db.php and renamed em as well and placed the roundcube folder under the document root of my web Server which is Apache, still I get an error 500 as a configuration error.
                The question I want to ask is that what may have gone wrong. Just to elaborate the things a bit more is that I have three versions of MySql installed,one coming with the phpdev tool, one with ruby on rails framework and finally the one that is standalone.
           I have the php engine running through the php dev tool itself which I think runs automatically with the php dev tool. I have little or ya can assume no knowledge of PHP and presently stuck please help me out of this. Another thing I want to ask is that : Is the apache web server comes integrated with the IMAP server capability since the roundcube is a IMAP client I assume.
                     Any kind of help would be accepted with gratitude.

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