We've been getting problems when forwarding certain messages. Results in an error 406. I think I've tracked this to a problem with how RC is handling certain message headers, as I posted in another email.

I'm also concerned about these errors in the logs, and I think they're related. It seems like RC is not able to create the temp folders it needs in the temp directory. I've set permissions on the temp folder and func.inc to 777 for testing purposes, but it still can't create the directory.

Anyone have some ideas about this?

This is the code from func.inc at line 1202, where its making the directory.
  // create dir for caching
  if (!is_dir($cache_dir))
    $dir = mkdir($cache_dir);
    $dir = true;

These are the errors:
[07-Dec-2005 09:51:02] PHP Warning:  fopen(temp/1962c11578bbf49800aa6f6593f9f3af/): failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/public_html/webmail/program/steps/mail/func.inc on line 1207
[07-Dec-2005 09:51:02 -0500] PHP Error: Failed to write to temp dir in /home/public_html/webmail/program/steps/mail/func.inc on line 1214
[07-Dec-2005 09:51:05] PHP Warning:  fopen(temp/1962c11578bbf49800aa6f6593f9f3af/): failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/public_html/webmail/program/steps/mail/func.inc on line 1207
[07-Dec-2005 09:51:05 -0500] PHP Error: Failed to write to temp dir in /home/public_html/webmail/program/steps/mail/func.inc on line 1214