// Backend to use for session storage. Can either be 'db' (default) or 'memcache' $rcmail_config['session_storage'] = 'db';
can someone explain why roundcube thinks it have the need to be special here and introduce all sorts of troubles?
every web-application but roundcube respects global settings or allow the admin to specify them in a <Directory> directive and on the server with PHP 5.4/Apache 2.4 below sessions are working for sure because phpMyAdmin and any inhouse application works, only roundcubemail-0.8.6 whines about failing to write session data
hence, their are even admins with load on their machines which set "session.gc_probability = 0" to avoid the request overhead and do the cleanup outside the webserver via cronjob
would every random application act this way it would be impossible to maintain lage setups with different apps at all ___________________________________
php_admin_value session.gc_probability "1" php_admin_value session.gc_divisor "100" php_admin_value session.gc_maxlifetime "7200" php_admin_value session.save_path "/var/www/sessiondata"
[12-May-2013 01:23:26 Europe/Vienna] PHP Warning: session_write_close() [<a href='http://at.php.net/manual/de/function.session-write-close.php'>function.session-write-close.php</a>]: Failed to write session data (user). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/www/sessiondata) in /usr/share/roundcubemail/program/include/rcmail.php on line 1340