on Fri Jul 06 2007, Jim Pingle <lists-AT-pingle.org> wrote:
David Abrahams wrote:
0.1-rc1.1 ;-)
Yes, that's what I mean - please give it a try. Also if you can, test against trunk.
yes, with both those versions, httpd starts to chew up a steadily increasing percentage of CPU (it was at 98% within 30 sec). Firefox locks up and needs to be killed. After killing firefox, httpd *very* gradually reduces its CPU load, then seems to hover around 50% for a while, then finally gives up and goes back close to zero... so I don't have to kill my server; I do have to kill FireFox.
It looks from the outside like roundcube's JavaScript is trying to ask the server some big question before it will allow the browser display to update.
It might be somewhat hard to pick out the traffic, but have you tried watching the connection with a tool such as tcpflow? It would let you monitor what exactly is being communicated back and forth while the CPU load is high and FF is locked up.
There's hardly any traffic at all during the hang.
I wonder if it's held up waiting on something, or if it is actually transferring data at that point.
Clearly the former.
Either way you should be able to capture the last (few?) request(s) up to the point where it fails. That may go a long way toward figuring out where the problem lies...
Unfortunately it's an SSL connection so I can't see what's in the data. I may have to enable an insecure connection temporarily in order to debug this.
I also wonder if this is related to the others who are seeing high CPU usage. You might check the recent thread about "100% CPU" to see if you might also have similar symptoms.
Well the symptoms are similar but I don't think our situations are similar at all. This only happens to me when viewing very large mailboxes.