How will this work with virtusertables already being mysql ? or another format ?
How about looking at the REQUEST_HOST, and automatically appending that domain ? These are all things that people have done with squirrelmail/webmail etc. I'm willing to bet $10 of my own hard earned dollars, that the people who end up deploying this the most will have
for their users, going the virtuser way may seem like a nice thing to do right now, but it will become a nightmare eventually. I'm with Chris on this.
Thomas Bruederli wrote:
Christopher A. Watford wrote:
On 10/14/05, thomas brĂ¼derli wrote:
My only concern is that this file won't scale well with the number of users. The two simple solutions are a dropdown box with the domain you want or a default domain to append. Virtual user lookups are expensive and what if you have 2 bob's?
A virtusertable file like used for sendmail or postfix configuration resolves e-mail addresses (i.e. with the local mailbox user name (i.e. bob_one). In that case you don't need to select the host on the login screen but enter your full e-mail address as user name.
Once that user is resolved from the virtusertable, it'll be saved in the users table (alias) and don't has to be resolved from the file again on the next login.
Do you understand, what we intend to do?