Hi Dev's,

Any objection about using MEDIUMTEXT() instead TEXT field type in "vars" field of session table?

TEXT type allow only 64KB session strings, but it can be larger under certain circumstances like
big search results. In a search test (using search box) that returns 4k messages, my session
string [1] exceeded the column's maximum length and the value is truncated. It broke the session
system and send the user back to the login screen.

If nobody has any objection, I can provide the patch.

[1] Error generated by PHP when session string is broken:
[14-Sep-2009 21:24:44] PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in
/var/www/html/roundcubemail-trunk-r2955/program/include/session.inc on line 82
session.inc line 82:
      rcube_sess_serialize(array_merge($a_oldvars, rcube_sess_unserialize($vars))),

Victor Benincasa