Hello Devs,

in other words: a roundcube generation not written in PHP would be replaced as fast as Horde a few years ago was replaced after the switch to pear and making RPM packaging way too expensive

As an IT admin of some hosting companies, I agree with this. The most widely used setup is with PHP. This is why scripts like Joomla, Wordpress and phpMyAdmin are so popular.

Victor Benincasa

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net> wrote:

Am 17.03.2015 um 19:50 schrieb Günter Kits:
For some weird reason, some parts of the PHP section went missing from
my paste. I'll post em here:

Yes, PHP is quite known and there are many devs, but IMHO it really
doesn't fit for the back-end (server) side of the software. Yes, it's
easy to develop, but also easy to waste countless hours of cursing :)

I agree that usually PHP has good enough performance for small
systems, but there are a lot of blog posts about sorry to disappoint
You, but "good enough" just don't do on large systems. You have to have
best performance You can get. Also, my personal opinion is (as a long
time developer), that if I'd had a time machine the programming
language which I would make disappear is PHP (next one will be of
course Javascript :)

well, that's all fine

on the other hand if i have a reasonable PHP setup and know how to configure and secure a PHP server i would not want a webmail written with node.js, python or whatever nor setup a dedicated server just for webmail

in other words: a roundcube generation not written in PHP would be replaced as fast as Horde a few years ago was replaced after the switch to pear and making RPM packaging way too expensive

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