> do you really want to prove your credibility to the world with a commit history like this
> do you seriously want to eternalize yourself with this ridiculous commits?

Credibility? Eternalize? What? Look - I'm just a FOSS coder and I don't care how "professional" or whatever I come across. What I do care about is an /honest/ track record that can be seen in my github profile, amongst other things. I would like to help out in other projects as well, eventually, and I want to be able to offer an honest, cohesive picture of how past efforts went about. That's why I showed you what I did for RedBean - to give you a direct view into how it went down in another example. If I propose help to other projects, I don't think they would care much about how "professional" I am, but they would very much appreciate an honest picture of the process.

This may seem like a fine point (and I suppose both sides look equally silly in standing up for something that may appear minor to outsiders) but just as you have to stand up for your history, I have to stand up for mine. And I'm willing to do that. I have told you, rather clearly, that it is important to me to have it this way and that it is your choice to weigh the options. I consider it a small price to pay, particularly since many of the technical issues noted can be solved, sometimes with something as simple as a '-w'. More importantly though, I consider the price you would have to pay smaller than the one I'm paying.

I understand that my efforts are appreciated by you and so far, I was happy with how the process went, even if I had to make some compromises to points that I originally didn't think were debatable. But I think it's not unreasonable of me to make one or two smaller requirements myself.

Anyways, I'm getting a sense that this is really mostly about commit /messages/. Well alright then. What about if I simply rename those commits? Would be a bit of rebasing, but from my count, there's only about 15 commits that lack a good commit message. Would that be an agreeable compromise?

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Cor Bosman <cor@xs4all.nl> wrote:
David, be reasonable. I think Alec and Thomas have very sensible objections to your commits.

As an example:


That is a single commit removing 1 line, with a comment of 'yup, makes sense'.    What makes sense?  I feel im missing some part of a discussion just reading that commit history.

You feel you're not being properly recognised if you submit a PR with sensible commits and sensible commit comments?  This isnt about commit counting but about substance.  The substance is great, but it is being diluted in an avalanche of commits that are all trivial and unclear.

I would much rather see a PR with 1 commit that contain a group of code cleanups, with a commit comment like:  "Code cleanup  by David Deutsch".

Anyways, i really hope you'll re-commit your PRs because this unfortunate argument seems solvable.


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