Am 07.11.2013 20:21, schrieb A.L.E.C:
On 11/07/2013 08:07 PM, Michael Heydekamp wrote:
Just one thing: Is there any way to keep those AJAX messages (or however they are called) on the screen until they have been "clicked away" (or confirmed with the Enter key) by the user? Especially in this case that would make most sense as it takes some time to read (and understand) the message, but it does appear on the screen for just 7 seconds or so.
Yes, default is 8 seconds. A solution maybe would be to calculate display time according to the message length. How about
display time = 8 + 4 * LENGTH/200
Where LENGTH is what? Number of bytes, number of words (the latter would make more sense, IMO)...?
Anyway, would be an approach, sure.
But there is no chance to get a sort of message box with an OK button in cases like this?
Michael Heydekamp Co-Admin Düsseldorf/Germany