I, for one, am using it on a site where the login literally sits next
to a login for a Horde/Imp login, and there's a warning under it
saying it's in development. I am in the unfortunate position of
working with a unique proprietary pre-authentication system (it
resolves names in a way my user-base is used to before it gets to the
IMAP auth which, while okay, is still limited), and so my scripts are
hacked reasonably enough that upgrading can't be done too much on a
whim. But, it's far prettier than Horde
(if slower) and hopefully once we get the rest of the stuff working
on it, it'll be a replacement.
On Dec 15, 2005, at 8:43 AM, Gavin Conway wrote:
Hi All,
I'm curious about who is using or considering using Roundcube as a
production client. We currently have squirrelmail deployed acting
as a front-end to our IMAP servers but are looking to start testing
with RoundCube. Our deployment of this is going to be something
along the lines of;Roundcube -> Perdition -> IMAP Server
---------------------------------|I was curious about who is using this in their own environments and
how they'd deployed it?