On Dec 13, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) vanmeeuwen@kolabsys.com wrote:
On 2012-12-13 17:30, Cor Bosman wrote:
Hey all, i am getting some reports that people aren't seeing calendar attachments. Not even as a downloadable attachment. Is this supposed to work at all?
Hi Cor,
I suppose you're talking about an iTip (invitation) with attachments, or just any message (with the iTip attached)?
IIRC, the parsing of such a message is handled by a calendar plugin, so it would be relevant to learn which of the various calendar plugins you are using.
It seems that with the headers you have forwarded, the content-disposition for the ical is not as an attachment - I reckon in these cases the contents are displayed as if they were inline?
The problem is that you don't see anything. All you see in RC in the first alternative, the one with just the text saying 'there is a meeting on wednesday'. Why don't I see the second part as an attachment that my own local calendar client could act on? Other mail clients see that there is a text/calendar attachment and give me the option to download it like any other attachment like PDF, JPG, etc.