

I am trying to get this webmail client up and running on an XP box (that is probably my first problem).  Apache2 is talking to php5, which is talking to mysql.  I built the database and tables and set the user permissions.  Note that I had to change 2 tables, in order for some sql calls to work (when logging in).  I changed the identities table and the users table.  In the identities table, I removed NOT NULL from the preferences column.  In the users table, I removed the NOT NULL from the signature column.  Now, the index.php page comes up and I provide a username and password and a server (not sure if this is the exchange server, or the SMTP server, I have tried both [by IP and by nodename]).  And then when I click the login button, it churns for 120 seconds and then the following error is thrown:


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\roundcube\program\lib\imap.inc on line 104


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


Brandon Simzer
