Hi (quick intro: I'm a recent discoverer of roundcube, and have been lurking on this list for about a week or so... kudos to you all!)...

I get what Jim desires concerning the installer... but I also tend to agree with Eric Stadtherr, Till, et.al. that a deploy/update process based solely on svn up'ing a working copy from roundcube svn isn't sufficient or a good idea. Sure it's easy, sure you can hide the .svn dirs, but it can be pretty fragile, and it'll always leave more to be desired...

What about creating your own svn repository, adding roundcube to it as an svn:externals project, then branching that within... that would get you complete control over your own roundcube repo... allow you to set svn:ignore on whatever files you don't want deployed, etc... AND allow you to keep your own config files under revision control... AND still enable you to merge in changes from roundcube svn. And still have your choice of deployment method: svn working copy, svn export, rsync...

at least, I think that would work, thoughts?


Jim Pingle wrote:
till wrote:
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Jim Pingle <lists@pingle.org> wrote:
 The access part is easily solved with a rule in Apache's main config like so:

 <DirectoryMatch "^/.*/\.svn/">
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
If you really want to stick with svn do an svn export, not an checkout/update.

Export rids you of the .svn directories etc..

I've hit a couple issues when exporting from a working copy. First, it
doesn't copy local-only files such as main.inc.php and db.inc.php. It also
doesn't copy ownership/permissions from the working copy that aren't set in
svn properties. You also lose the ability to quickly update with "svn
update" rather than removing the whole tree and exporting again, or forcing
an export and possibly having some inconsistent files.

As part of a deployment procedure, it has its place, but it's still a lot
more complex than using a working copy and blocking public access to the
.svn directories. It's a lot more convenient that way, even if it does lend
itself to foot-shooting from time to time.


List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/