Just another point. I would be fully willing to help run trac as a bug gardner (confirming bugs, filing them, categorizing them), as it makes it so much easier than the current sourceforge interface. Also, I'd be willing to pitch in with the docs effort on the wiki.

On 10/8/05, B. Johannessen <bob@db.org> wrote:
> Praneet Kandula wrote:
> > Rather than installing just a wiki, would you consider a trac
> > installation instance? It makes source management SO much easier (of
> > course, it's SVN), but you have an awesome ticket manager, a wiki
> > built in, and a really nice reporting feature where it tells you what
> > all the latest commits were. I think this would be a really good allin
> > one solution, if someone can install one.
> Trac (which is described at http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/ by the
> way) looks really interesting, but as I understand it, it's not really
> useful unless the source in managed by an accompanying Subversion
> repository. That would be a fairly major change for, and a decision that
> must me made by, the current developers.
> If this is something the they would like, I'd be more then happy to host
> the Subversion and Trac installation, and could probably find the time
> to set it all up next weekend.
> Thomas; is this something you may consider? What about the other developers?
>      Bob