
I know this has been discussed, and I understand the reasons why the cursor is at the end,

** but people just don't get it ** ...

This has to be an easy addition, and a configurable option...

to make it behave like outlook or gmail

I'm just getting familiar with the roundcube code base, and I'd like to add it myself in the mean time, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel... is there a patch brewing somewhere?

Or can we just get it done & in the Core ?



another example of one of our companies running roundcube:

It seems that the default behavior for the web interface when replying to a message puts the cursor at the end of the message. Some people are having deep emotional issues with the fact that they may have to click at the beginning of the message and ad their own space. I would hate for people to lose sleep over this - is there an easy way to change that default behavior.