-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Roundcube plugin
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 17:30:22 +0200
From: Yannis <yannis.rossetto@grenoble.cnrs.fr>
To: dev@lists.roundcube.net


Hello (from France),

First of all, sorry for my approximate English.

I created a plugin for the Roundcube webmail, which works in complement with the Thunderbird's plugin : Addressbook Synchronizer. More informations about my plugin's functioning are available here : http://cric.grenoble.cnrs.fr/logiciels/AddressBook-RoundCube/?lang=en

I write you to know if that possible to have some comments, some suggestions and some remarks about my program and, particularly, about the source code.

You can download the plugin on the following link : http://cric.grenoble.cnrs.fr/logiciels/AddressBook-RoundCube/abook_sync-0.1.tar.gz

Thanks a lot