
I had to do this same thing after the switch to SubVersion.  I had a bunch of files I had changed locally, and needed to get back in sync.  I ended up finding a Subversion rev that was a good starting point based on date, and then continued to use "svn update -r<rev>" until I got to a point where the only differences between the Subversion working copy and the CVS checkout were my own changes.  It looked something like the following (pretend svn_rc_dir holds the SVN working copy, and svn_cvs_dir holds the CVS checkout):

.../svn_rc_dir# svn checkout -r175
.../svn_rc_dir# diff -r -x .svn -x CVS roundcubemail ../cvs_rc_dir/roundcubemail
<lots of diff output>
.../svn_rc_dir# svn update -r176
.../svn_rc_dir# <repeat diff>
Continue updating with a new rev number until the diff output is only changes that you've made. Now you have an SVN working copy that matches the "baseline" of your CVS working copy.  At this point, you can copy all of your changed files from your CVS directory.  Then, do another update to merge up to the latest SVN version:

.../svn_rc_dir# svn update 

 You might have to resolve some merge conflicts, but that's a whole different process...  Smile

Hope this helps!



On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 01:35:19 -0400 (EDT), Jon Daley wrote:

 	I have finally had some time to switch over to subversion.  I am
having trouble figuring out where the switch happened. From CVS, I see
the last update as 05/18, and the changelog was modified in subversion rev
238, but it seems that cvs has revision 236 and 238, but not 237.
Basically what I want is the correct command like this:

svn merge -r236:HEAD .

I believe 236 is slightly wrong, but I am a little lost.

Can anyone help?

On Wed, 31 May 2006, Robin Elfrink wrote:
> Sergio A. Kessler wrote:
>> svn checkout
>> to download the current version of rouncube.
>> is that rigth ?
>> that is where the development is going in ?
> Yup.

Jon Daley

Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche