
There isn't a list of items used, so you'd have to search in the code to see what's available to you.  $CONFIG (I think that's what it is) and $_POST and $_SESSION is available always as they're global.

Other than that, you'd have to look through the documentation that's written in the wiki or through the code.  sorry.


On 9/14/07, Jorge Asch <> wrote:
If this works as advertised, where can I get a list of common variables that might be in use.

What do you mean by "proper template engine"?  What roundcube has is perfectly fine.  There's no need to hunker down and rework the entire code to use SMARTY or any other PHP templating system, or to use a different one.  The one we have works, and works well.

Jorge Asch Revilla

~ Brett Patterson

~ Brett Patterson