I thought I had sent this out on the list, but I replied in a rush and goofed up.  Anyway, here is what I sent:

I would be willing to help out with this, too.  I am currently installing a Trac/Subversion server on my dedicated Debian server to see how it is all done (I have run a Subversion server before, but not Trac).  It has about 900 GB of transfer left over every month, which should be enough for this project.  I also have an extra IP address I could use for it.  The server has been rock solid for 240+ days so far. 

Let me know if I can be of service.


On 5/6/06, B. Johannessen <bob@db.org> wrote:
Dreas van Donselaar wrote:
> We are using SVN and Trac for our own software development. I can setup a
> VDS for you (Debian) where the main developer(s) get(s) root access. We pay
> the bill for the VDS, and you guys have full control. Probably a volunteer
> on this list can handle the installation and configuration of SVN and Trac.
> I can do it, but wouldn't recommend that ;)

I'd be willing to help out with the day-to-day running of such an
environment, but I don't have the time take on a project lead type of role.

If someone competent steps forward to take charge, I'll try to help
whenever I can.
