Le 2012-11-08 18:48, till a écrit :


A plugin is essentially powered by the `composer.json` file. And this is how composer works (in a nutshell): * it takes the URL of the repository (git, svn, hg) * it scans all tags and branches (e.g. trunk/master) for `composer.json` files * it will use all tags/branches where it finds a `composer.json` file E.g. (for SVN): trunk/composer.json branches/super-feature/composer.json tags/1.0.0/composer.json tags/0.9.0/<no composer.json> The plugin repository would detect: * dev-trunk * dev-super-feature * 1.0.0

Ok, thanks Till for all your explanations. This is far clearer now, at least for me.
Last question about this particular piece :
what happens if the trunk/composer.json contains the same version than, say, tags/1.0.0/composer.json ?
should I ensure that in the whole tree no composer.json file has the same version in it than an other composer.json file ?

