This is a good general capability. An icon/symbol in the display might be another option other than the green highlighting (like Thunderbird/Mozilla does with the "recycle" symbol).

 Also, I know that different junk-mail filters use different headers (other than "X-Spam-Flag"). For example, uses an "X-USANET-Spam" header, and Yahoo uses "X-YahooFilteredBulk". We could either accumulate a list of known headers that identify spam mail, or make it a $CONFIG item. The only problem with $CONFIG is that administrators would need to know the specific header. Maybe that's something everyone knows, so maybe it's not a big deal.


On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 13:59:11 +0200, Manu wrote:


Here a very small patch for roundcube-cvs-20060413 (the one I run) and
the revision-282.
If a mail is marked as spam by SpamAssassin (X-Spam-Flag in headers) the
message is hightlighted in light green in message list. This can be
easily "disabled" by commentting the related section in the CSS.

Hope you'll find this useful.

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