Besides the new skin in 0.8 I'd like to start working on Roundcube
Framework. It means Roundcube will provide a set of classes that can be
used by other projects. Now, rcube_imap_generic class is known as one of
the best IMAP handling classes, but there are people that would like to
use something more abstract i.e. rcube_imap class. This is not simple
now because of its dependencies.
So, here are some steps I want to make:
- create abstract rcube_storage class and build rcube_imap as
rcube_storage implementation (driver) - this is to allow creation of
other drivers, e.g. SQL-based, POP3,
- exclude mime related functions from rcube_imap into new rcube_mime class,
- split and functions into a few classes:
rcube_converter, rcube_ui, rcube_utils and maybe some into existing classes,
- create rcube_framework class, that can be a parent for rcmail class,
- framework-related changes to existing classes, e.g.
- get rid of $rcmail object usage in classes,
- can we exclude rcube_user class?
- make output/html/template classes optional,
- unify codestyle according to our CS ruleset
Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
LAN Management System Developer []
Roundcube Webmail Developer []
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