> > Just an idea: Does it make sence to split things up?
> > This 'backend-plugin' project for server side actions
> > A new "frontend-plugin' project for client side things like JS, Html,
> > Ajax-Client, ...
> >  
> Server side is almost done in your patch and I think it's small part of
> whole engine. The frontend side of plugins engine is most wanted.
> Typical plugin needs are e.g. adding a button in tasklist, adding a tab
> in Settings interface, adding a configuration option in User Preferences
> (simple tasks, just for start). Of course everything needs feedback in
> backend but I think frontend integration is harder to implement.
If I understand you right - it does not make sence to split it - right?
Fact is: I currently do not have the time to develop a frontent-plugin-architecture and not the Knowledge how RC-Frontend works (... and not the time to look at it, ...). So...
What must be done to support future enhanchments in that direction?
That is the question we have to think about. I do not want to re-code the whole part because it is unflexible.
"I cannot do that right now" doesn't mean "I'll never do it".
I just want to get things ready.
* RC-Plugin-Arch. (or if you want: backend-plugin-arch. with the option to extend it to the frontend)
* Funambol-Plugin
These things are requested by my SaaS-customers.
Afterwards we can define new milestones, team up and make the world even better ;-)
Do you agree?
Florian Lagg
 Florian Lagg - IT-Komplettlösungen
 Juch 7, 6631 Lermoos
 tel +43 (699) 10 20 10 24
 www.lagg.at - info@lagg.at
 Xing: http://www.xing.com/go/invite/7372113.3da562