- No Cancel button anymore (Elastic only, in Classic it's there) - hmm?!?!
Cancel for what? Composing an email? Just click something else in the side menu like Mail or Settings and it will prompt you to discord or save the message.
- No option to change the editor type (Text/HTML) anymore (Elastic only, in
Classic it's there) - hmm?!?!
It is there in elastic. Top left header of the message body input window. You will either see an icon for a mountain picture (HTML Mode) or an icon of an X (text mode).
- The button "Special character" does now list hundreds of additional
useless characters, but the character (which we need to use extremely often) is not available anymore.
If you are in HTML mode you don't need to manually insert the character. Just hit the space bar as many times as you want. HTML mode preserves those spaces and will insert the character automatically in the raw HTML code of the message. Try it, send yourself an email in HTML and bang out 10 spaces between two words.
- One has to click first on the "..." button to see the entire toolbar
(minor issue, but again I miss to see the improvement).
Elastic :) The improvement is responsive layout, the same design works for desktop, tablet and mobile. Developers only have to focus on one skin and not multiple versions.