Hi =
This is the wrong list! For support questions please post to the users list. If you need help for a CPanel installation get help at the CPanel forum.
2007/10/2, c o co@graffiti.net:
I have installed rc the latest from the website. I just get a blank page. My error log says:
[...] Line 366 says:
return "now()";
:s but I don't think it's that.
Also I couldn't work out how to do this in cpanel. I have already set up my database with correct username and pass.
Database Setup
While we're uploading (or after we're done) we have one final step to do before we can start using Roundcube. We need to set up our database. Open your website control panel. You first need to create a database and user with the information we decided earlier. Then add that user to the database. Next we execute the SQL file found in the "/SQL/" directory in Roundcube that is named: "*.initial.sql" where * is your database backend type (mySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite).
For example with mysql enter the following code on the command line:
mysql --user=(your_db_user_name) -p (your_db_name) < mysql.initial.sql
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/