On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 15:39:54 -0430, Octavio Rossell octavio@unplug.org.ve wrote:
Hello there.
I am new in this list and my english is almost enough to comunicate.
Recently I donloaded the 0.2-alpha version of RC. In the older version with this guide:
A little (very little) of Frenh knowledge and a lot of patience in PHP coding I barely configure the Change-Password feature in 0.1 version.
Now, finding where this code is in the new version (line numbers and syntax changes make it more difficult) I put again the modifications into this version.
But, there is no preferences redirect to the passwd script, leading me to User Preferences default page, not to ?_task=settings&_action=passwd where it has to go to. I suspect it is in the JS code, but my knoledge is not so complete.
I am using a MySQL database and the passwd.inc script included in the URL is properly set. The thing that is not working is the redirect to the script itself in preferences box, but JS is not one of my prefered languages.
I am interesed on help in development of RC, maybe helping on make a good password-change plugin or section. I have a pair of ideas of how to make it, taking care of SQL/LDAP/PAM possibilities. I know of PHP (not OOP but I consider myself a good procedural coder) and I have my skils on GNU/linux system administration (at least postfix related things)
Any clue?
I have attached a patch that should add change password functionality to v0.2a. In theory the only bit you need to change is in plugins/changepasswd/config.inc.php, set up the dsn and the sql statements for reading/updating the password. If you need to modify other stuff then program/steps/settings/save_changepasswd.inc is where the work is done.
Please let me know how you get on.
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