I understand that line of thinking, but I wasn't saying that the command-line database is how it would be administered. I would suggest obviously a GUI interface with Roundcube (much like most forum software has). You can choose your method of editing, GUI or CLI.
I was thinking that if we're going to be using a registry, why not switch the config file from being this PHP file, to a standard .ini file. Name it rcConfig.ini and then use PHPs ini parsing function ( to get an array of options. That way, there's no need to know what an array is, or how to specify it.
chasd wrote:
On Jun 6, 2007, at 2:07 PM, Brett Patterson wrote:
Hopefully this will aid in moving away from a config file, and more to holding config info in a database which would be easier for admins to modify.
I don't think that opinion reflects what all admins want. I have seen large flame wars on the Fedora devel list over integrating the Linux registry project [1], which does what you are contemplating.
I guess I am showing my age, but "vi /var/www/roundcube/config/" is much quicker than
psql roundcube
<list of tables> \d configtable update configtable set foo = 'bar' where id = 'baz';
That is, the config file is rather self-documenting, a database table will require some poking to figure out what needs to be changed where.
Storing the config data in a database table is not a deal breaker for me, but I personally don't consider it a positive step.
Charles Dostale System Admin - Silver Oaks Communications 824 17th Street, Moline IL 61265