On 1/3/07, Robert Bertram <kraekan@westnet.com.au> wrote:

I am wondering if anyone uses Roundcube with mod_security on Apache? I got some 406's from logwatch this morning.

Requests with error response codes
    406 Not Acceptable
       /?_task=mail&_action=spellāŒ©=en: 3 Time(s)

The previous day while writing some emails I ran the spell checker to get an error message indicating a problem with the server. The relating error logs point to IP's in South East Asia.

Mod_security seems to be doing its job but I wondering if anyone with more experience that myself has noticed this as well? And if it's a problem? Could just be a problem with the Google servers?

I have not seen this, however I haven't been on Roundcube with an SVN lately.  What version are you running?  Are you running any custom rules in mod_security, or just the core?  I have it installed/running, but haven't plugged in any custom rules yet, but am happy to try and reproduce (freebsd, apache2, mod_sec, php5, mysql5)


All seems fine today. Spell check runs fine.



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