On 1/17/06, Charles McNulty <charles@charlesmcnulty.com> wrote:
In regards to the attachment-icon idea, I would prefer we move in the opposite direction.  I think that clicking anywhere on the message list should only highlight the message, rather than performing any action.  This is the way that thundebird, outlook and pretty much any other windows mail application works.  I propose we remove the function of the compose window coming up when one clicks on the from address in the message list.  The can already compose an e-mail to that person by highlighting the message and clicking the reply button.  Right now we are stuck half way between gmail and thunderbird, with regards to the message list behavior, and I would prefer we move towards thunderbird rather than gmail.


I actual prefer the feel of gmail for a webmail app than Thunderbird, or any of the desktop email programs.  I use Thunderbird as my primary email system, and love it.  But I don't want the Thunderbird/desktop experience on the web - I want a small, fast, email app.  I don't like the double-clicking on a message to open it - on the web you use hyperlinks, and single clicking is the defacto standard.  I would prefer a streamlined interface in this sense.  Just my $.02.

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:51:58 +0100, Sjon < roundcube.net@spider007.net> wrote:
> After loosing an important mail composed under Roundcube (just pushed the
> send-button, 'something' went wrong and the email was lost forever) I have
> thought of ideas to avoid this. I think the following might be feasible:
> currently mails are send in the background; a failure means the message
> disappears. Might it be an idea not to use an AJAX backgrounded thread for
> sending the email, but staying on the foreground; only to return to the
> inbox once the message has succesfully been send?

While on the subject of gmail, an implemented "autosaving" draft would alleviate a lot of these types of problems.  Or even further, a deal where a sent email is saved as a draft, and when sucessfully sent deleted from a drafts folder.  Maybe that is essentially what gmail does anyway, just automatically every few minutes.  I can't tell you how many times something has happened on any webmail system where I've crafted an email and sent it, only to have a connection drop or something and lose that email!

> Some other stuff I thought of:
> * move the current overflow-scrollbar style from the table to the tbody.
> This would leave the thead always visible, while currently it will
> disappear when scrolling
> * make the attachment-icon (singleclick) in the messagelisting jump
> directly to the message-attachment. Currently it is just an icon without
> any link
> * a javascript prompt before any actual delete action, for example in the
> addressbook page
> * could we merge the _auth (GET) and sessid (COOKIE) into 1 sessionID?
> Comments welcome :)
> Regards,
> Sjon