I'm playing a bit with this webmail and I've implemented the displaying of subfolders. I've done the patch on the latest release since the CVS source seem to be badly broken when I checked out.
I added three new functions to 'program/steps/mail/func.inc'
function rcmail_build_folder_tree( &$arrFolders, $folder, $path = '' ) { $pos = strpos($folder, '/'); if ($pos !== false) { $subFolders = substr($folder, $pos+1); $currentFolder = substr($folder, 0, $pos); } else { $subFolders = false; $currentFolder = $folder; }
$path .= $currentFolder;
if (!isset($arrFolders[ $currentFolder ])) {
$arrFolders[ $currentFolder ] = array(
'id' => $path,
'name' => $currentFolder,
'folders' => array(),
if (!empty($subFolders)) {
$arrFolders[$currentFolder]['folders'], $subFolders, $path.'/' ); } }
function rcmail_render_folder_tree_html( &$arrFolders, &$special, &$mbox, $nestLevel = 0 ) { global $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $IMAP;
$idx = 0;
$out = '';
foreach ($arrFolders as $key=>$folder) {
$zebra_class = ($nestLevel*$idx)%2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
$folder_lc = strtolower($folder['id']);
if (in_array($folder_lc, $special))
$foldername = rcube_label($folder_lc);
$foldername = $folder['name'];
if ($unread_count = $IMAP->messagecount($folder['id'], 'UNSEEN'))
$foldername .= sprintf(' (%d)', $unread_count);
$out .= sprintf('<li class="mailbox %s %s%s%s"><a href="#%s"
onclick="return %s.command('list','%s')" onmouseup="return %s.mbox_mouse_up('%s')">%s</a>'."\n", preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-_]/', '', $folder_lc), $zebra_class, $unread_count ? ' unread' : '', $folder['id']==$mbox ? ' selected' : '', $folder['id'], $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $folder['id'], $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $folder['id'], rep_specialchars_output($foldername));
if (! empty($folder['folders']))
$out .= '<ul>' . rcmail_render_folder_tree_html(
$folder['folders'], $special, $mbox, $nestLevel+1 ) . "</ul>\n";
$out .= "</li>\n";
return $out;
function rcmail_render_folder_tree_select( &$arrFolders, &$special, &$mbox, $nestLevel = 0 ) { global $IMAP;
$idx = 0;
$out = '';
foreach ($arrFolders as $key=>$folder) {
$out .= sprintf('<option value="%s">%s%s</option>'."\n",
str_pad('', $nestLevel*2*6, ' '),
if (! empty($folder['folders']))
$out .= rcmail_render_folder_tree_select(
$folder['folders'], $special, $mbox, $nestLevel+1 );
return $out;
Then changed quite a bit the function rcmail_mailbox_list()
function rcmail_mailbox_list($attrib) { global $IMAP, $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $COMM_PATH; static $s_added_script = FALSE; static $arrFolders;
$type = $attrib['type'] ? $attrib['type'] : 'ul'; $add_attrib = $type=='select' ? array('style', 'class', 'id', 'name', 'onchange') : array('style', 'class', 'id');
if ($type=='ul' && !$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmboxlist';
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <ul> tag $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, $add_attrib);
$out = '<' . $type . $attrib_str . ">\n";
// add no-selection option if ($type=='select' && $attrib['noselection']) $out .= sprintf('<option value="0">%s</option>'."\n", rcube_label($attrib['noselection']));
$mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();
// for these mailboxes we have localized labels $special_mailboxes = array('inbox', 'sent', 'drafts', 'trash', 'junk');
//build the folders tree
if (empty($arrFolders)) {
// get mailbox list
$a_folders = $IMAP->list_mailboxes();
foreach ($a_folders as $folder) {
rcmail_build_folder_tree( $arrFolders, $folder );
if ($type=='select') {
$out .= rcmail_render_folder_tree_select( $arrFolders,
$special_mailboxes, $mbox ); } else { $out .= rcmail_render_folder_tree_html( $arrFolders, $special_mailboxes, $mbox ); }
if ($type=='ul') $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.gui_object('mailboxlist', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $attrib['id']));
return $out . "</$type>"; }
The css also needs a bit of tweaking, basically just add the following rules to 'mail.css'
#mailboxlist ul { list-style: none; padding:0; margin:0; }
#mailboxlist ul li { padding-left: 15px; background-position: 25px 1px; } #mailboxlist li.selected li { background-color: #F9F9F9; }
#mailboxlist li.unread li { font-weight: normal; }
#mailboxlist li.unread li.unread { font-weight: bold; }
#mailboxlist li.selected li a{ color: black; font-weight: normal; }
And remove the 'height' propery from '#mailboxlist li' !
Finally, in 'program/js/app.js' replace the method 'this.select_mailbox()' with the next one
this.select_mailbox = function(mbox) { if (this.gui_objects.mailboxlist) { var item, reg, text_obj; var s_mbox = String(mbox).toLowerCase().replace(this.mbox_expression, ''); var s_current = this.env.mailbox.toLowerCase().replace(this.mbox_expression, '');
var nodes = this.gui_objects.mailboxlist.getElementsByTagName('LI');
for (var n=0; n<nodes.length; n++) {
item = nodes[n];
if (item.className && item.className.indexOf('mailbox
'+s_mbox+' ')>=0) this.set_classname(item, 'selected', true); else if (item.className && item.className.indexOf('mailbox '+s_current)>=0) this.set_classname(item, 'selected', false);
this.env.mailbox = mbox;
I'm sorry for this way of sending the patch but it's late and knowing myself, if I wait for the CVS version to be fixed I will forget to send it :(
ciao, ivan