I like what you have done so far - look slike a really cool project!
I have just installed the latest build. Not sure how you are handling bug reports, but I have found that using the php mail function results in a bad email formation (Probably because I run qmail) - I'll investigate futher and produce a better bug report of patch.
I have a patch got a small for SMTP. This patch allow you to set a variable in the config file so that the SMTP server users the same username and password as IMAP and also allows you to supply a smtp_auth type to the PEAR class (For some reason my server was not authenticating when it tried to guess the auth type)
$smtp_auth_type = $CONFIG['smtp_auth_type'] != '' ? $CONFIG['smtp_auth_type'] : NULL;
80c81 < if (PEAR::isError($SMTP_CONN->auth($CONFIG['smtp_user'], $CONFIG['smtp_pass'])))
if (PEAR::isError($SMTP_CONN->auth($CONFIG['smtp_user'], $CONFIG['smtp_pass'], $smtp_auth_type)))
} if($CONFIG['smtp_login_same'] && $CONFIG['smtp_login_same'] == true) { if (PEAR::isError($SMTP_CONN->auth($_SESSION['username'], decrypt_passwd($_SESSION['password']), $smtp_auth_type))) { smtp_reset(); $SMTP_ERROR .= "authentication failure\n"; return FALSE; }
you will need to add two variables to the main.inc.php file
// If true, uses the same password as the current logged in user $rcmail_config['smtp_login_same'] = true;
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_type'] = '';
Let me know if you need more info or things supplied differently