On 12/26/2012 09:38 PM, Michael Heydekamp wrote:
Our system is returning "text/x-mail" (rather than "message/rfc822", how it would be expected) when we throw the PHP function 'finfo_open' against a valid e-mail file, which has been saved locally with Roundcube, starting with a line "Return-path:". Therefore and logically Roundcube is declaring ""text/x-mail" when attaching this .eml to an e-mail, which does prevent Roundcube from handling and rendering the attchment as an e-mail.
In my opinion fileinfo result is correct. Return-path is not RFC-compliant, that's the reason why it chooses text/x-mail. So, "fixing" fileinfo is not a good way. I suppose we just should support both mimetypes as message/rfc822 in Roundcube. Open a ticket. There will be still a question if we should change detected mimetype of uploaded file. In my opinion we should not.