Good morning,

  I am a big fan of roundcube and am looking to use it as much as possible, but am having issues connecting to the IMAP service on my server.


Deployment Details:

Php 5.0.5 on Windows 2003 server with apache 2.0.55

Most recent release of Roundcube (roundcubemail-0.1-20051021)

MailEnable Professional Email service with IMAP service active on port 143.


I see successful authentication in the mail server’s logs so roundcube appears to be successfully connecting to the server, but receive the following error after successful auth. 

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in C:\roundcubemail-0.1-20051021\program\lib\ on line 104


I’ve looked at that file a bit, but make neither heads nor tails of it…  I’m a Java Dev, not PHP L 

So my question is, what can I do to debug this problem?  I don’t expect you to be wizards that just poof solve the problem… far from it.  If you’d just get me going towards debugging I’d greatly appreciate it and will repost as I go through the exploration process.




Brian Greene