Kevin, I like your fix but I think mine is slightly better in this narrow situation. Imagine your URL for the roundcube installation is different than the email accounts being accessed? It can be better to just specify the domain(s) being used to access.


On 11/2/05, Geuis Teses <> wrote:
I have done this for my company. (Has *greatly* reduced the normal level of "I can't get to my email" calls from the cogs in our corporate machine.)

Its not a space in the config file, but is a quick hack.

Open up index.php in the main installation directory.

$host = $_POST['_host'] ? $_POST['_host'] : $CONFIG['default_host'];

$username = $_POST['_user'] . '';    //append domain to admin to allow username-online login

else if (isset($_POST['_user']) && isset($_POST['_pass']) && rcmail_login($_POST['_user'], $_POST['_pass'], $host))

else if (isset($_POST['_user']) && isset($_POST['_pass']) && rcmail_login($username, $_POST['_pass'], $host))

In this quick hack, we're adding the domain of your choice to the username. Where you see "" change that to whatever email domain should be appended.


On 11/2/05, Thomas Bruederli < > wrote:
S. William Schulz wrote:
> I would like to see one of several options re: this issue:
> 1)  Be able to set a default domain in the config file which would be
> appended to the entered username, thereby forming a userid of
> username@domain, or

What's wrong with entering the whole e-mail address? This is what people
are used to do when logging into a webmail system.
> 2)  Have something similar to the SM plugin which maps the URLhost to
> a domain which is then appended to the entered username to form the
> login userid, or

When the plugin-API is ready, you can do whatever you want.
This would also let you pass the user authorization to another system or
> 3)  Take some part of the URL and append it to the username to form the userid.

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> S