Hello folks
One item on the 1.0 roadmap is to improve documentation for Roundcube. I recently started some efforts to achieve this. Now I'd like to ask you for proof-reading, review and contribution.
First, I tried to clean the wiki pages that describe Roundcube's installation, configruation and upgrading. Please review the pages from the Trac wiki [1] listed under "Getting Started". As you can see, there are still some "TBD." present. Also, the FAQ page is totally outdated and should be re-written completely.
Everybody is welcome to make corrections and additions directly on the wiki.
Second, I started to write some end-user documentation AKA online help. The pages are written in reST and generated with Sphinx which I found to be very handy for this task. I therefore created a new git repository [2] where all the sources are maintained and tried to summarize it in the README file and on our wiki [3].
The help docs are structured in a way to allow additional contents from plugins to be integrated. The idea behind all this is to provide a framework what will let you generate your individual online help files that describe all the components you chose for your Roundcube installation, even with screenshots from your custom skins. The generated files can then be linked into the help plugin with context-sensitive deep-links [4].
A first release of the online help for version 0.9 can be found here: http://roundcube.net/doc/help/0.9/en_US/
Again, I'd like to invite you all to read through these documents and make corrections or additions by sending pull requests to the roundcube/roundcubemail-helpdocs github repository.
Once we feel comfortable with the English version, translation into other languages can start.
Thank you all for your support!
P.S. The help docs as you can see them online are sponsored by Kolab Systems and the Kolab Groupware project as they basically paid me for writing them. Thanks a lot for this, guys!
[1] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki [2] https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail-helpdocs [3] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Online_Help [4] https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/blob/master/plugins/help/config.i...