The issue you mention about 1024x768 is a definatly problem, and its my fault for not testing it (my laptop runs 1280x768).  Basically, as I have mentioned in other emails, the text on those icons needs to be below the icons, not next to them.  This will clear up tons of space on the menu bar, and fix these lower resolution display issues.  Additionally, I would like to find a way to get rid of the "Move to" drop down box (also discussed in a different email).
    I kept the top of the folder list from lining up with the message list and reading panes to allow the RoundCube logo to stand out a little.  Otherwise, the logo is just too small and it doesn't look right.  The mistake I made, and have sense fixed, is not properly lining up the top of the folderlist with the bottom of the message list header.  Now that I have changed this, I feel it looks much better.


David A.Davenport wrote:
First off, nice clean-up... it's definitely a step in the right direction!

Just my $0.01 (no, we won't get into exchange rates again), but I do like the total on the bottom like that and think it would be a bad idea to eliminate it.  I like seeing how many messages I have left to scroll through.

What about eliminating the green arrow alltogether, and just using the RoundCube logo or the E-Mail button to kick back to the Inbox?  I never use it, anyway.

Also, while it is nice having everything on one line (looked beautiful on my system running 1600x1200) when I logged into another PC (this one at 1024x768) it stinks.  The drop-down for moving to a folder is hosed and has the E-Mail button sitting on top of it.  I see the logic in splitting them...

Another thing - when in the mailbox view, it would be much more aesthetically pleasing if the top of the message list lined up with the top of the folder list...


On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 16:03:49 -0400, Kevin Landers <> wrote:
Rather nice clean up job.

On the Message View, what do you think of getting rid of the links on
the bottom or top that say < Message # of N >.

Instead of using that, how about using the Green Left Arrow that goes
back to the Inbox and using that button to go back one message and then
adding a Green Right Arrow pointing right to go forward one message.
This Right Arrow could be after "Show Source" button.

In my opinion, the Green Left Arrow is sort of confusing in what it
currently does (going back to the Inbox). Also, you have the "Email"
button up top now anyways that takes you back to the Inbox.

What do you guys think? Does this make any sense in the way I have
explained it?

Kevin L.

Rob Smith wrote:
    I have updated my version of mail.css (along with several other
files) to improve the overall look of roundcube.  Most of the changes
are very minor, with the overall goal of making the interface more
consistant and usable.  I also created more usable screen space, leading
to significantly larger message reading and mailbox listing windows.
    Attached is a zip with all the files that need to be replaced in
their proper folders, from the root of your roundcube server.  I have
also attached some sample screen shots.  This release has been tested
with firefox and IE6 and works properly in both.
    These are all the changes I can recall off the top of my head, there
could be more.  Overall, I feel this fastly improves the appearance and
usefulness of the default roundcube theme.  I have not modified the
Address Book or Personal Settings screens yet, but I will put out a new
version that alters those when I get the chance.  For the moment, I have
simply focused on the most used parts of the program.


/Main Window:/**
*Taskbar menu background image removed, and changed to line up with the
other menu icons.
RoundCube logo slightly changed, line below it removed.
Entire interface moved closer to the top of the page after taskbar
location changes.
Message count bar moved to bottom of page (its not ideal there, I know,
but I can't come up with a better place for it).
Bottom of the page set to be closer to the bottom of the browser window,
same with right side.
*/Message Reading Window:/*
Message reading pane scrolls within the window, instead of the entire
page scrolling.
*/Composition Screen:/*
Border colors changed to match the rest of roundcube (Couldn't get the
bottom of the message body border to show in firefox, if anyone knows
why, please tell me).
Window sizes changed so that even wih CC and Bcc selected, the page will
not scroll.





