Am 21.05.2013 11:11, schrieb A.L.E.C:
Ok, this one was only for default PHP config. I'm not saying that PHP session is less secure in general.
and you take away any serious option from admins not using default php configs at all since decades because they know what they are doing
but can you imagine two http servers using the same session (on another machine)? or one http server using two db servers?
but you can imagine that such things are not the general usage and optimizing for this should be optional?
hence if a admin thinks he needs seperated session storage he would do something like below and for custom session-handlers and integration of memcache "auto_prepend_file" was invited
<Directory "/usr/share/roundcubemail"> php_admin_value session.gc_probability "1" php_admin_value session.gc_divisor "100" php_admin_value session.gc_maxlifetime "7200" php_admin_value session.save_path "/var/www/sessiondata-rc"
- no session file locking (parallel requests do not wait)
and no integrity and cleanups or how do you explain me the 5000 records in the session table on a server with a few users after some months?
Roundcube uses PHP's session garbage collector. If you disabled it then it's your problem to clean old sessions. It of course might be a bug
well, that happens if application developers choose to ignore the well thought configuration as default, hence that is why using a customized session handler should be *optional*
if you mangle session management outside the admins scope do it really including garbage collection or make the custom handler *optional* _______________________
this way a sane session configuration looks like for some hundret domains with webapps:
every 10 minutes: find /var/www/sessiondata -type f -mmin +30 -delete this happens in a cronjob and takes away the burden of session cleanup from the webserver and if you ever had 20000 session files you know why, this combined with /var/www/sessiondata as large enough tmpfs will outperform your mysql-sessionhandler by not produce any disk-IO for session management at all
this survives DDOS-attacks, been there, done that
[Session] session.save_path = "/var/www/sessiondata" session.save_handler = "files" session.use_cookies = 1 session.use_only_cookies = 1 = "SESSION_ID" session.referer_check = "" session.auto_start = 0 session.cookie_lifetime = 0 session.cookie_path = "/" session.cookie_domain = "" session.cookie_secure = 0 session.cookie_httponly = 1 session.serialize_handler = "php" session.gc_probability = 0 session.gc_divisor = 50000 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1800 session.entropy_file = "/dev/urandom" session.entropy_length = 32 session.cache_limiter = "nocache" session.cache_expire = 180 session.use_trans_sid = 0 session.bug_compat_42 = 0 session.bug_compat_warn = 0 session.hash_function = 1 session.hash_bits_per_character = 6 url_rewriter.tags = "disabled"