I agree with the rating system. Because the development of the svn proceeds so fast, there are many enticing features that makes one want to try out the svn and possibly use it in a production environment. Maybe every 10 release or so, we can have a usable release that people can try out to get the new features? Ofcourse we cannot expect every thing to work in this release, but for this stable release, we could remove the stuff we know doesn't work for sure and only add the new features / patches from the previous stable release.

Nipun Jain

On 12/20/06, Michael Bueker <m.bueker@berlin.de> wrote:

I agree with Thomas on the revision system for roundcube. I tend to have a "good" snapshot on my server, and an experimental one, which I just copy the config files to. If the experimental snapshot works well enough, I make it my primary one.

But I also think the rating would be a cool feature to Trac. I think you should suggest it to them. Maybe the "quality" of a snapshot could be linked to the number of Bug tickets assigned to that revision.


On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:34:21 +0100, Morten Mertner <morten@mertner.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> It's really hard as a follower of this group to determine when it would
> be a good time to grab the latest from Subversion. I've tried grabbing
> the latest a few times, but more often than not have had to roll back
> and go with the older version due to something not working properly.
> It would therefore be awesome if there was some way for people to rate
> or mark various revisions and their luck with using them, to potentially
> save people wanting to try the latest from the hassle of finding a
> stable revision.
> Perhaps this suggestion should go to the Trac guys instead, but let me
> know what you think first.
> Yours,
> Morten