On 05/20/2013 04:39 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
db.inc.php.dist still speaks about PEAR and has no word in context PDO means is worng and outdated
DSN string we use is compatible with MDB2 format. I slightly modified description in db.inc.php file.
and when will sessions continue to work on machines with Apache 2.4 / PHP 5.4 / MariaDB while the error messages below make ZERO sense because RC refuses to work with a untouched session management like every other webapp
would RC use simply session_start() and not fuckup the admin settings it *would* in fact use /var/www/sessiondata and it would it use *with success*
We use custom session handler for a reason and we'll not change that. I'd say it's PHP/MariaDB issue. The warning message is misleading, session.save_path setting is irrelevant in Roundcube.