On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 15:13:15 +0200, Sandro Pazzi sandro@idweb.it wrote:
Hi all, probably u was right but I can't change google for other reasons. The thing that I was saying is that rc 0.2 works great also in the
google imap service and I have not notice any bug.
Now with the 0.3 rc was slow in google having fix a bug for imap support sorting. I love the idea that the rc 0.3 works more fast on imap servers supporting sorting but i'd like that have the same performance of 0.2 in that server that does not support sorting functionality.
However, it's not necessarily gmail *OR* dovecot. They are not incompatible, you can use both in conjunction.
I use many external accounts (gmail, terra, etc) but I download all the mail locally with fetchmail, and serve it with dovecot from a centralized location. Then I can use roundcube or whatever client fits better over the local imap server which is lightning fast. It also eases backups quite a bit.