I had a Windows user tell me her exports from vCard were only giving her every other line. I noticed RoundCube's vcf file had only LFs for line endings, but the vCard standard seems to specify CRLF - http://www.imc.org/pdi/vcard-21.txt . After adding the CRs to the VCF the file imports fine.
After a quick search/replace of \n to \r\n in rcube_vcard.php the vCards are importing correctly. I tried to be smart about it but it may not be 100% correct. :)
diff orig/roundcubemail-0.5.3/program/include/rcube_vcard.php ./roundcubemail-0.5.3/program/include/rcube_vcard.php 229c229
$vcard_block .= $line . "\r\n";
$vcard_block = $line . "\r\n";
266c266 < $vcard = preg_replace(array('/^item\d*.X-AB.*$/m', '/^item\d*./m', "/\n+/"), array('', '', "\n"), $vcard);
$vcard = preg_replace(array('/^item\d*\.X-AB.*$/m', '/^item\d*\./m',
"/\n+/"), array('', '', "\r\n"), $vcard); 281c281 < return preg_replace_callback('/:([^\n]{72,})/', array('self', 'rfc2425_fold_callback'), $val) . "\n";
return preg_replace_callback('/:([^\n]{72,})/', array('self',
'rfc2425_fold_callback'), $val) . "\r\n"; 321c321
$line[2] .= "\r\n" . $lines[++$i];
421c421 < $vcard .= self::vcard_quote($type) . $attr . ':' . self::vcard_quote($value) . "\n";
$vcard .= self::vcard_quote($type) . $attr . ':' .
self::vcard_quote($value) . "\r\n"; 425c425
return "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\n{$vcard}END:VCARD";
445c445 < return strtr($s, array('\' => '\\', "\r" => '', "\n" => '\n', ';' => ';', ':' => ':'));
return strtr($s, array('\\' => '\\\\', "\n" => '\n', ';' => '\;',
':' => ':'));
[image: Equisolve] http://www.equisolve.com/
*Eric Mason* | eric@equisolve.com | www.equisolve.com Phone: 954-390-6060 ext. 108 | Fax: 954-756-7536 2455 E Sunrise Blvd Ste 1201, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/ BT/aba52c80