Good call. I checked and these are my settings in
$rcmail_config['auto_create_user'] = TRUE;
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'ssl://';

Will setting the auto_create_user to false stop this from happening?

Kevin Kelley

On 10/23/05, Robert Landes <> wrote:
Is it possible, that with every new login a new user is created in the database? Have a look in your database table "users", if there are more than 1 user or even any user?

Sounds like you get a new user everytime.

How do you handle the mail server domain? Did you set a fixed doamin name within the config or are you using the text input field + usernam + password on logon page?


On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 17:21:48 -0500, Kevin Kelley <> wrote:
> I've got a fresh install of 0.1-20051021 running. So far everything seems
> to
> be going great (with the exception of the include_path error in index.php)
> except that each time I Logout and Log back in I loose everything that (I
> assume) is in the database. This includes contacts, settings & identies. I
> didn't see anyone else post about this since yesterday - so is anyone else
> having a similar problem?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Kelley