I am cutting and pasting the reply I got from Microsoft today. They
definitely acknowledge it as a bug, but they seem to be implying it
is something that they may or may not fix. Please read over his reply
and give me any direction you can on how to proceed. I already
replied and told him that neither "workaround" he lists is valid for
us. Based on previous discussions, it sounds like roundcube intends
to maintain a real <a> tag pointing to a real URL.
Hi Joel,
The DIV case is really a different scenario. It does not have any
special meaning when Ctrl + Click so that should be consistent with
what you see in IE6. IE7 added a special case for Anchor tag
handling when Ctrl + Click. I am currently working on this issue
with my escalation engineer, Shahinur. You raise a valid point about
the onclick event should be fired for Ctrl + Click regardless of
which window the navigation happens in. At this point this does look
like a bug in IE7. I don’t see any good workaround for this
problem. There are a few ideas that that you may have already knew
or touched on at some point:
Try avoid using the Anchor tag, you can use other elements
like DIV (you already knew) or SPAN tag and still mimic the Anchor
tag appearance. Some thing like this:
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor:hand; color:blue" onclick="aFunction()" > click this "link" </span>.
It seems that if the Anchor tag does not have a valid href
URL attribute. If the href attribute is set to “” (empty string) or
“#” or even non-existant then things are working as expected. Below
is an example of the href missing:
If these workarounds do not work for you, we can request a hotfix
from the product team. Keep in mind that there is always a chance
that the hotfix request can be rejected. If you diecide to pursue
this route, I would need to have a Business Impact statement from you
addressing the following questions. Once I have the Business Impact
Statement, I can file a formal hotfix request to the product team:
workaround, if any
3. Problem's frequency and probability?
4. Number of companies impacted
5. Number of corporate desktops and servers impacted
6. Number of consumer desktops (ie. home users) impacted
7. What IE platform is the hot fix needed?
- IE 6.0 sp2 on XP SP2
- IE 6.0 on Windows 2003 Server
- IE 6.0 on Windows 2003 Server SP1
- IE 7.0 on Vista
- IE 7.0 on XP SP2
- IE 7.0 on Windows 2003 Server SP1
9. What type of hot fix package do you need?
QFE – This package takes about 1-2 months to release
and has a strict acceptance criteria. It is only distributed to
customers by contacting Microsoft Support referencing a KB article.
It is also redistributable only within a corporation (but not to the
corporation’s customers). The fix is usually enabled by setting a
specific registry key on the machine.
GDR – This package takes about 3-6 months to release
and is subjected to more testing and an even higher acceptance
criteria. It is distributed to customers by downloading it from a
public Microsoft link. This package is normally not available if a
QFE meets your needs.
8. What languages (English, Chineses,...) are needed?
Joel Clermont joel@orionweb.net 262-377-9930
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/