I just released the beta of my plugin that implements OpenPGP into Roundcube through JavaScript by using the OpenPGP.js library. Github repo available here https://github.com/qnrq/rc_openpgpjs and announcement here http://qnrq.se/rc_openpgpjs_ending_seven_years_of_roundcube_insecurity/.
Expect a stable release as soon as I have regulated my dopamine levels; or rather, as soon as I have fixed these https://github.com/qnrq/rc_openpgpjs/issues?milestone=1&page=1&state=open minor issues. I'm estimating it'll take /at most/ one or two weeks to finalize the stable version. In the meantime we can handle the political discussions that this may stir up.
Please ennjoy it, mah homiez!