I know this does not resolve the lack of a "Move to Folder" menu, but currently you can drag and drop mail from one folder to another. You may even do multiple messages by using the shift/control click feature to select multiple messages. Perhaps that will help you until such a menu is implemented (if it is implemented).
On the drag and drop feature, however, is there any chance that we could highlight the folder we are moving messages to while moving the mouse over a folder to dump messages to?
Currently, if I select a message(s) and drag the mouse of the folder list, I have no real "visible" validation that I am moving mail to the folder I want. If folders could be highlighted as the mouse is moved over each one, that would be nice.
I was moving mail from trash to my inbox earlier and accidentally dropped it in another folder.
Thanks, Kevin L.
David Collantes wrote:
Hi there all!
Would it be possible to have a "Move to folder" drop menu somewhere on the message list window? I would like to be able to move multiple emails to a specific folder and that is now impossible.