On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:17:45 -0600, Matt Kaatman roundcube-dev@matt.kaatman.com wrote:
Do we have any goals before we release the next beta?
Maybe a feature freeze is in order to get a newer beta out?
Grabbing the head from SVN will probably never be bug free but I know I and many others are using it in a "production" environment which is never a great idea. If you are doing it this way, probably the best thing you can do is constantly grab the latest source.
Robin and any other devs are impressively responsive to fixing problems we find and discuss on here.
Maybe we should make a list of features that need to be finished before the next beta and once those are knocked out set a bug-scrub day or two where everyone combs over everything to find any remaining issues.
Like, when I click on an html link that's attached to my mail RC opens a new window with RC (the folder list). Very odd.
Another one is that the behavior when deleting a mail in the message list changed again. Before, when you deleted a message, the next one got selected, which doesn't happen now.
Trash and spam folders can't get emptied (empty botton is grey).
Configuration (at least sone things) don't get applied. Example, changing the interval in which drafts get saved. It's always in a default of 5 minutes (could this be realted to DB changes I haven't applied yet?)
Lic. Martín Marqués | SELECT 'mmarques' || Centro de Telemática | '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'; Universidad Nacional | DBA, Programador, del Litoral | Administrador
Lic. Martín Marqués | SELECT 'mmarques' || Centro de Telemática | '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'; Universidad Nacional | DBA, Programador, del Litoral | Administrador