Thanks a lot for the translation. I'm not very familiar with charset handling and any help on this is welcome... I just added your translation files to the CVS and they will be included in the next release.
Regards, Thomas
Tadashi Jokagi wrote:
Hi roundcubewebmail deverloper team,
I made Japanese translation.
The message is created by UTF-8. The Japanese assignation is "jp" in roundcubewebmail. JP is a "country code" and is not a "language code". Therefore, please modify "jp" to "ja".
Index: program/localization/index.inc
RCS file: /cvsroot/roundcubemail/roundcubemail/program/localization/index.inc,v retrieving revision 1.9 diff -r1.9 index.inc 40c40
< 'jp' => 'Japanese',
'ja' => 'Japanese',
'ja' => 'UTF-8',
Current roundcubewebmail has some problems in a multi-byte processing. ex)The mailbox of a multibyte character, The wordwrap() function which breaks UTF-8 is used, and etc... I am creating the patch for modifying now.
If a patch can be released, it makes contact again.
#I want to use the mail address of sf.net by this mailing list...
-- Tadashi Jokagi mailto:elf2000@gmail.com