On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:55:57 +0000, Craig Webster craig@xeriom.net wrote:
On 17 Mar 2006, at 18:40, Robi wrote:
Yes, I don't see how RPM is going to help..
On a larger scale (ie server-wide deployment or larger) point of view, typing yum install roundcube or, in my case, emerge roundcube is so much nicer than installing everything myself and making sure all dependencies are pulled in - and as an added bonus, I can have upgrades happen very easily like so emerge -u roundcube
I think this is usually up to distros, and that's why you see FC RPMs vs SUSE RPMs. Sometimes you'll even have different ones for Debian and Ubutnu, even though they're related there can always be diffs as far as webroot, web user, web group, etc.
Looks like the maintainer of the FreeBSD port is keeping up a bit too:
It's from Feb 19th, but it's not as old as it could be. As for pulling in all the dependencies, yeah, that's what makes apt-get, yum, portupgrade, emerge, apt-rpm so nice nowadays; having a base pkg allows all the dists to integrate with that.
http://fak3r.com - you dont have to kick it