Yeah, I can definitely do that. However, looking through some of the include templates, it looks like the templates for each page have the stylesheet links hardcoded. This doesnt make a lot of sense, though.

I'm sure there's a single header file or something similar used for all the pages in the webmail client, as would be normal with a web application. I just want to do the include in the proper place so that when I upgrade the client in the future I dont have to go back and redo a lot of code.

On 10/17/05, Praneet Kandula <> wrote:
You might just try to do an inline CSS include using @import in one of
your css files.

@import url('relative/path/goes/here');

On 10/17/05, Geuis Teses < > wrote:
> I've duplicated the default skins folder and changed the main config file to
> point to it. That works.
>  I'm trying to include a new stylesheet. Where do I find the file that I can
> add the include to?
>  -Geuis